
Spring Data for Apache Solr


Spring Data Solr has been discontinued and is currently only maintained in its current version for support reasons until early 2023 at which point it will be moved to the Spring Attic entirely. The team has laid out the reasons to discontinue the project here. For current users of Spring Data Solr, we recommend to look into alternative search-engine-related modules like Spring Data Elasticsearch.

Spring Data for Apache Solr, part of the larger Spring Data family, provides easy configuration and access to Apache Solr Search Server from Spring applications. It offers both low-level and high-level abstractions for interacting with the store.

Derived queries and annotations for Solr specific functionallity allow easy integration into existing applications.


  • High level repository abstractions with multicore support

  • Annotations for Boost-, Facet- and Highlighting

  • Customizable type mappings and type conversions

  • Solr template supporting fluent query api

  • Exception translation to Spring’s portable Data Access exception hierarchy

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4.3.15 CURRENT GA Reference Doc. API Doc.
Branch Initial Release End of Support End Commercial Support *
2020-10-28 2021-10-28 2023-02-28
2020-05-12 2021-05-12 2022-09-12
2019-09-30 2020-09-30 2022-01-30

OSS support

Free security updates and bugfixes with support from the Spring community. See VMware Tanzu OSS support policy.

Commercial support

Business support from Spring experts during the OSS timeline, plus extended support after OSS End-Of-Life.
Publicly available releases for critical bugfixes and security issues when requested by customers.

Future release

Generation not yet released, timeline is subject to changes.

About commercial support (*)

This page shows the current state of project releases and does not define the commercial support policy. Please refer to the official support policy for more information.