Spring Cloud
2021.0.4Spring Cloud provides tools for developers to quickly build some of the common patterns in distributed systems (e.g. configuration management, service discovery, circuit breakers, intelligent routing, micro-proxy, control bus, one-time tokens, global locks, leadership election, distributed sessions, cluster state). Coordination of distributed systems leads to boiler plate patterns, and using Spring Cloud developers can quickly stand up services and applications that implement those patterns. They will work well in any distributed environment, including the developer’s own laptop, bare metal data centres, and managed platforms such as Cloud Foundry.
Spring Cloud focuses on providing good out of box experience for typical use cases and extensibility mechanism to cover others.
Distributed/versioned configuration
Service registration and discovery
Service-to-service calls
Load balancing
Circuit Breakers
Global locks
Leadership election and cluster state
Distributed messaging
Getting Started
Generating A New Spring Cloud Project
The easiest way to get started is visit start.spring.io, select your Spring Boot version and the Spring Cloud projects you want to use. This will add the corresponding Spring Cloud BOM version to your Maven/Gradle file when you generate the project.
Adding Spring Cloud To An Existing Spring Boot Application
If you an existing Spring Boot app you want to add Spring Cloud to that app, the first step is to determine the version of Spring Cloud you should use. The version you use in your app will depend on the version of Spring Boot you are using.
The table below outlines which version of Spring Cloud maps to which version of Spring Boot.
Release Train | Boot Version |
2021.0.x aka Jubilee |
2.6.x, 2.7.x (Starting with 2021.0.3) |
2020.0.x aka Ilford |
2.4.x, 2.5.x (Starting with 2020.0.3) |
2.2.x, 2.3.x (Starting with SR5) |
2.1.x |
2.0.x |
1.5.x |
1.5.x |
Spring Cloud Dalston, Edgware, Finchley, and Greenwich have all reached end of life status and are no longer supported. |
Bug fixes and backwards compatible features are added to each release train via a service release (SR). Once you determine which version of Spring Cloud to use, you should use the latest service release for that release train. You can find the latest service release information on our release notes page.
Now that you know which release train to use and the latest service release for that release train you are ready to add the Spring Cloud BOM to your application.
buildscript {
dependencies {
classpath "io.spring.gradle:dependency-management-plugin:1.0.10.RELEASE"
ext {
set('springCloudVersion', "Hoxton.SR8")
apply plugin: "io.spring.dependency-management"
dependencyManagement {
imports {
mavenBom "org.springframework.cloud:spring-cloud-dependencies:${springCloudVersion}"
The release train contains a
spring-cloud-dependencies as well as the
spring-cloud-starter-parent . You can use the parent as you would
the spring-boot-starter-parent (if you are using Maven).
If you only need dependency management, the "dependencies"
version is a BOM-only version of the same thing (it just
contains dependency management and no plugin declarations
or direct references to Spring or Spring Boot). If you are
using the Spring Boot parent POM, then you can use the BOM from
Spring Cloud. The opposite is not true: using the Cloud parent
makes it impossible, or at least unreliable, to also use the
Boot BOM to change the version of Spring Boot and its dependencies.
Just like Spring Boot, many Spring Cloud projects include starters that you can add as dependencies to add various cloud native features to your project. In many cases, many features are enabled purely by adding the starter to your classpath. The starter names are documented within the individual projects. Below is an example of how you would add a Spring Cloud Config Client and a Spring Cloud Netflix Eureka client to your application.
dependencies {
compile 'org.springframework.cloud:spring-cloud-starter-config'
compile 'org.springframework.cloud:spring-cloud-starter-netflix-eureka-client'
Main Projects
Spring Cloud Config
Centralized external configuration management backed by a git repository. The configuration resources map directly to Spring Environment
but could be used by non-Spring applications if desired.
Spring Cloud Netflix
Integration with various Netflix OSS components (Eureka, Hystrix, Zuul, Archaius, etc.).
Spring Cloud Bus
An event bus for linking services and service instances together with distributed messaging. Useful for propagating state changes across a cluster (e.g. config change events).
Spring Cloud Cloudfoundry
Integrates your application with Pivotal Cloud Foundry. Provides a service discovery implementation and also makes it easy to implement SSO and OAuth2 protected resources.
Spring Cloud Open Service Broker
Provides a starting point for building a service broker that implements the Open Service Broker API.
Spring Cloud Cluster
Leadership election and common stateful patterns with an abstraction and implementation for Zookeeper, Redis, Hazelcast, Consul.
Spring Cloud Consul
Service discovery and configuration management with Hashicorp Consul.
Spring Cloud Security
Provides support for load-balanced OAuth2 rest client and authentication header relays in a Zuul proxy.
Spring Cloud Sleuth
Distributed tracing for Spring Cloud applications, compatible with Zipkin, HTrace and log-based (e.g. ELK) tracing.
Spring Cloud Data Flow
A cloud-native orchestration service for composable microservice applications on modern runtimes. Easy-to-use DSL, drag-and-drop GUI, and REST-APIs together simplifies the overall orchestration of microservice based data pipelines.
Spring Cloud Stream
A lightweight event-driven microservices framework to quickly build applications that can connect to external systems. Simple declarative model to send and receive messages using Apache Kafka or RabbitMQ between Spring Boot apps.
Spring Cloud Stream Applications
Spring Cloud Stream Applications are out of the box Spring Boot applications providing integration with external middleware systems such as Apache Kafka, RabbitMQ etc. using the binder abstraction in Spring Cloud Stream.
Spring Cloud Task
A short-lived microservices framework to quickly build applications that perform finite amounts of data processing. Simple declarative for adding both functional and non-functional features to Spring Boot apps.
Spring Cloud Task App Starters
Spring Cloud Task App Starters are Spring Boot applications that may be any process including Spring Batch jobs that do not run forever, and they end/stop after a finite period of data processing.
Spring Cloud Zookeeper
Service discovery and configuration management with Apache Zookeeper.
Spring Cloud Connectors
Makes it easy for PaaS applications in a variety of platforms to connect to backend services like databases and message brokers (the project formerly known as "Spring Cloud").
Spring Cloud Starters
Spring Boot-style starter projects to ease dependency management for consumers of Spring Cloud. (Discontinued as a project and merged with the other projects after Angel.SR2.)
Spring Cloud CLI
Spring Boot CLI plugin for creating Spring Cloud component applications quickly in Groovy
Spring Cloud Contract
Spring Cloud Contract is an umbrella project holding solutions that help users in successfully implementing the Consumer Driven Contracts approach.
Spring Cloud Gateway
Spring Cloud Gateway is an intelligent and programmable router based on Project Reactor.
Spring Cloud OpenFeign
Spring Cloud OpenFeign provides integrations for Spring Boot apps through autoconfiguration and binding to the Spring Environment and other Spring programming model idioms.
Spring Cloud Pipelines
Spring Cloud Pipelines provides an opinionated deployment pipeline with steps to ensure that your application can be deployed in zero downtime fashion and easilly rolled back of something goes wrong.
Spring Cloud Function
Spring Cloud Function promotes the implementation of business logic via functions. It supports a uniform programming model across serverless providers, as well as the ability to run standalone (locally or in a PaaS).
Release Trains
Spring Cloud is an umbrella project consisting of independent projects with, in principle, different release cadences. To manage the portfolio a BOM (Bill of Materials) is published with a curated set of dependencies on the individual project. Go here to read about the Release Train naming conventions.
2021.0.4 CURRENT GA | Reference Doc. | |
2022.0.0-M4 PRE | Reference Doc. | |
2021.0.4-SNAPSHOT SNAPSHOT | Reference Doc. | |
2020.0.7-SNAPSHOT SNAPSHOT | Reference Doc. | |
2020.0.6 GA | Reference Doc. | |
Hoxton.SR12 GA | Reference Doc. | |
Hoxton.BUILD-SNAPSHOT SNAPSHOT | Reference Doc. |