
Josh Cummings

Josh Cummings

Spring Security committer

Herriman, Utah

Josh has been a software engineer for over 15 years building enterprise applications across multiple industries. He has long been passionate about application security and loves opportunities to mentor and to learn from others about security awareness. When Josh isn't hacking away at code, he is either running, playing basketball, camping, or reading a Brandon Sanderson novel.
Blog Posts by Josh Cummings

Spring Security 5.8.0-M1 and 6.0.0-M6 are released

On behalf of the team and everyone who has contributed, I am pleased to announce that Spring Security 5.8.0-M1 and 6.0.0-M6 are available now.

This release includes dependency upgrades, bug fixes, and enhancements. Here are a few noteworthy changes:

See the 5.8.0-M1 and 6.0.0-M6 release notes for more details.


Spring Security 5.5.0-RC1 released

On behalf of the community, I’m pleased to announce the release of Spring Security 5.5.0-RC1!

In addition to dependency upgrades, bug fixes, and minor enhancements, the release candidate contains a few noteworthy changes:

  • JWT client authentication support for OAuth 2.0 clients

  • JWT bearer authorization grant support for OAuth 2.0 clients

  • AuthorizationManager, a new authorization API for filter security

  • Kotlin coroutine support for reactive method security

  • OpenSAML 4 support

This release candidate is a good opportunity to give feedback before the actual GA release in mid-May. We look forward to hearing from you.


Spring Security SAML Extensions 1.x EOL on October 6, 2021

With the recent release of Spring Security 5.4, we’d like to announce that maintenance for Spring Security SAML Extensions 1.x will end on 6 October 2021.

SAML 2.0 support has been added to the core Spring Security framework over the last three minor releases. There are two main reasons for this.

First, the extension project is based on a version of OpenSAML that the OpenSAML team no longer supports. This version has known CVEs that make it unsafe for use in a production system.

Second, moving the support to the core Spring Security framework allowed us to simplify the API, use the latest OpenSAML, and add long-requested support for features like multi-tenancy and Spring Boot integration.


Spring Security 5.4.0-M2 Released

On behalf of the community, I’m pleased to announce the release of Spring Security 5.4.0-M2! You can find the complete details in the release notes and the highlights below:

OAuth 2.0

gh-8700 - OAuth2AuthorizedClientArgumentResolver picks up OAuth2AuthorizedClientManager bean
gh-8730 - Add JWTProcessor Configuration Post-Processor
gh-8669 - OAuth2AuthorizedClientArgumentResolver for XML
gh-8587 - Add ServerRequestCache setter in OAuth2AuthorizationCodeGrantWebFilter
gh-8603 - oauth2Client Test Support no longer requires an HttpSessionOAuth2AuthorizedClientRepository
gh-8501 - Add issuerUri to ClientRegistration